Support your organization with the best IT services at the lowest cost.
The right information at the right time. Automations help to minimize administration.
Intelligently designed templates and workflows take out the guesswork and improve compliance.
Use what has proven to work. Focus on what really makes a difference in your organization.
Deliver services, not just IT assets
IT has become a key enabler in organizations and productivity drops instantly when IT Services are not available. Supporting your IT from a business perspective seems logical but is still challenging to implement. Tooling is not service-oriented and processes are not cleverly integrated.
4me offers ITIL best practices out-of-the-box and is completely service-oriented.

Other features you need to know about
More than just ITIL compliant
ITIL done right. Best practice processes that stood the test of time. Maximized process integration and automation ensure compliance and minimize effort
Take out administrative effort by creating templates for standard request, tasks, changes and projects. Add custom fields without impacting the performance of 4me.
Reports and Dashboards
Create your own dashboards using the 250+ out-of-the-box reports. Create your own filters to fine-tune your data and share the result with your colleagues or external customers or suppliers.
Create complex workflows using drag-and-drop. Combine workflows with templates, automations and custom fields to fully automate your request handling, change processes and projects.
Manage your projects, resources and costs
Get insight in both your support and project workload. Manage your resources efficiently and monitor the costs of running and improving your services.
KCS based knowledge management
Let knowledge sharing be the driving force in your organization. Always available and up to date for colleagues and customers.
Inituitive and easy >>
Drag and drop
Group similar requests, apply workarounds, knowledge or templates, escalate to the next support level by using drag & drop. Intuitive and esasy.
Tech sheet 4me
All functionalities and technical specifications of 4me in one document. Handy!
Make a difference
Built for speed
A key driver for joyfully using an application is performance. The response time of any transaction in 4me will always be below 0.5 second. Worldwide, guaranteed.
Ease of use
Get up to speed within minutes. The inituitive features of 4me are easy to learn and do not require extensive classroom training. For the more advances features, role based e-learning are available for free.
Proactive information
Use artificial intelligence to proactively provide the right information at the right time. Minimize the administration effort and make your support staff more efficient and productive.
Weekly updates
New features are released on a weekly basis. There is never downtime involved and new features are non-intrusive. Before the actual release any update can be evaluated and tested in a QA enviroment.
Real pay-as-you-go
Only pay monthly for the number of agents that have access to the application. Easily scale up or down each month without long-term obligations.
Best practice
Don’t reinvent the wheel. No need to configure or customize your own processes. Just define your services, upload your master data and get to work.

Pay-as-you-go explained
Traditional licensing models force you to buy licenses based on a ‘worst case’ scenario: the maximum number of users you expect to be logged in at any time. Downscaling is not possible in most cases. With 4me you pay one monthly subscription for every specialist that has access to 4me. You can easily administrate who has access at any time. Scale up or down at any time without long term obligations. Only pay for what you use.
Sometimes, predictable is a good thing
We all like surprises, but probably not during an implementation project. We have implemented service management applications for over 20 years so we know what to expect. Our best-practice implementation approach takes out the guesswork. Clear deliverables and a solid project structure ensures we deliver on time and within budget.

Daikin kept it cool and selected InfraVision and 4me to replace HP Openview ServiceDesk
Daikin Europe selected InfraVision to implement 4me as replacement for HP OpenView ServiceDesk. They choose 4me due to its speed, ease of use, and ability to solve real-life scenarios without the need for customization of the product. InfraVision was choosen because of their extensive experience in 4me implemention projects.
“Switching our service management tool to 4me was no jump into darkness. It was a conscious decision to offer more clarity and transparency within IT and to our internal customers. The service levels and KPIs can now be tracked by all stakeholders.”